What is the marginal rate of tax?

The marginal rate of tax paid is “the percentage of tax paid on earnings for the next pound earned.” What that means is that if you earn £50,270 your marginal rate of tax is 40% because for the next pound that you earn, you will be paying tax at 40%.  Below are the...

What is Gift Aid?

Tax relief: Gift Aid is a way you can increase the value of a charitable donation – at no extra cost to you. If you pay tax in the UK, a charity can reclaim 25% of your donation from tax you have paid. You should be aware that if you have not paid enough tax to...

What is Business Asset Disposal Relief (Entrepreneurs’ Relief)?

Business Asset Disposal (‘BAD’) Relief (formerly Entrepreneurs’ Relief) is a reduced rate of Capital Gains Tax that applies when ones sells certain business assets; or all/part of a business; or more than 5% of shares in a small company in which you work or hold...

What is s.455 tax on overdrawn Director’s Loan accounts?

This tax is the result of an overdrawn Director’s Loan Account (DLA).  Here is a brief explanation of how they can arise; the implications, and what to do. An overdrawn Director’s Loan Account (DLA) can often arise accidentally when a Director/shareholder takes money...

Do I need to pay tax on rental income?

If you have net rental income on which you’ll have tax to pay, (rent minus expenses) then you must register for a Self- Assessment tax return and keep a record of your rental income and ‘allowable’ expenses (you can find out what they are here...