The tax timetable for electric cars

Because of quite large tax advantages compared to diesel and petrol cars, a lot more electric cars are being bought by companies for their director/shareholders.  One advantage, in particular, is the low benefit-in-kind tax charge that applies to electric cars. For...

Tax rules for Christmas parties

It’s that time of year when most employers arrange a Christmas Party for their staff.  The rules around tax relief for Christmas parties are fairly generous so long as the party is open to all employees and not just directors/management. Party costs (including travel...

Do you need to submit a Tax Return?

You need to submit an Income Tax return (for 2023/24) if HMRC send you a Tax Return to complete or, if you know that you have income tax or capital gains tax to pay. However, HMRC have a list of further circumstances where a Tax Return should be prepared, including:...

What is Salary Sacrifice and why do people do it?

‘Salary Sacrifice’ is a mechanism where a formal agreement is made jointly by an employer and employee, to reduce an employee’s salary in return for some other benefit.  The point of this arrangement is generally to save National Insurance – and this saving can then...

How do I change the ownership split on a buy-to-let property?

Although, generally, property lawyers know about taxes associated with transfers and disposals (sales) of property, I have come across a couple of instances where they have not fully advised their clients. When a property is owned by a couple (married or civil...