Depreciation and Capital Allowances

  Most expenses incurred by business are written off during the year, but some relate to assets that are used for several years, for example, vehicles and computers.  Because they last for several years, you can allocate a portion of the cost to each annual set...

Tax advantages of a Limited Company

There are 3 tax advantages for small Limited Companies over Sole Traders and Partnerships. There is no National Insurance to pay on Dividends, but 7.5% tax is due after the first £2,000 is paid out. You pay income tax on dividends only when you take out the money...

Tax advantages of a Limited Company

There are 3 tax advantages for small Limited Companies over Sole Traders and Partnerships. There is no National Insurance to pay on Dividends, but 8.75%  tax is due after the first £2,000 is paid out. You pay income tax on dividends only when you take out the money...