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Our News page is updated daily and the news feed is supplied by Sift media who are well respected writers in the industry.  If you are interested in new laws, guidance and reports on anything that is happening in Government that could affect your business, these posts -will be useful. You can also sign up to receive them in your inbox.

Setting up a PAYE scheme in a limited company

The vast majority of businesses, once they reach a certain size, operate as a limited company and at some point usually consider whether to set up a company payroll (by registering with HMRC for a PAYE scheme). There are two reasons why a company would set up a...

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How to delay being VAT registered

VAT registration and small businesses VAT registration is a problem for small businesses who sell to the general public. When your annual turnover exceeds £85,000, you must register for VAT and pay 1/6th of your gross sales to HMRC. However, there are some ways that...

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What are Payments on account?

If you have recently started trading as a self-employed person, your first income tax bill will be due in the January following your first trading year, and for many it comes as a bit of a shock. This is because your first tax bill, due in the January, will commonly...

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What is Salary Sacrifice and why do people do it?

‘Salary Sacrifice’ is a mechanism where a formal agreement is made jointly by an employer and employee, to reduce an employee’s salary in return for some other benefit.  The point of this arrangement is generally to save National Insurance – and this saving can then...

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Depreciation and Capital Allowances

  Most expenses incurred by business are written off during the year, but some relate to assets that are used for several years, for example, vehicles and computers.  Because they last for several years, you can...

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Tax advantages of a Limited Company

There are 3 tax advantages for small Limited Companies over Sole Traders and Partnerships. There is no National Insurance to pay on Dividends, but 7.5% tax is due after the first £2,000 is paid out. You pay income tax on...

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What taxes affect landlords?

When starting up as a landlord there are a number of issues and tax implications to bear in mind. Decide on what investment property to buy.  This is obviously the most basic decision and the key decision (aside from whether to buy a property).   Decide how to...

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What are the new tax rules on landlord’s mortgage interest?

If you are a buy to let landlord the let property mortgage interest relief is not tax deductible.  Instead, a 20% tax credit is given that reduces the tax payable – but the calculation of this tax credit is not necessarily straightforward.  On the other hand, Limited...

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Get in touch today for a free consultation.

We are very happy to meet you to discuss your business or even your idea for a business. We will advise you on the most tax efficient structure if you are setting up and we can review your business if you are already trading.

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