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Our News page is updated daily and the news feed is supplied by Sift media who are well respected writers in the industry.  If you are interested in new laws, guidance and reports on anything that is happening in Government that could affect your business, these posts -will be useful. You can also sign up to receive them in your inbox.

What are Depreciation and Capital Allowances?

Depreciation: Is an accounting term for spreading the value of a fixed asset (vehicle or equipment etc.) over its useful life.  Spreading the cost is fairer and more accurate than deducting it all from the Business’s Profit in the year of purchase.  i.e. Depreciation...

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Tax advantages of a Limited Company

There are 3 tax advantages for small Limited Companies over Sole Traders and Partnerships. There is no National Insurance to pay on Dividends, but 8.75%  tax is due after the first £2,000 is paid out. You pay income tax on dividends only when you take out the money...

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What is a House in Multiple Occupancy (HMO)?

HMRC’s definition is “a property rented out by at least 3 people who are not from 1 ‘household’ (for example a family) but share facilities like the bathroom and kitchen”. It is sometimes called a ‘house share’. Common examples of HMOs are student accommodation and...

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What to consider when buying a commercial property.

Stamp duty There are 3 rates of Stamp Duty Land Tax on the purchase price of a commercial property: 0% up to £150,000; 2% on the next £100,000; 5% over £250,000. VAT Stamp duty There are 3 rates of Stamp Duty Land Tax on the purchase price of a commercial property: 0%...

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What expenses can I claim against my rental property?

This is a list of tax deductible expenses that you can claim against your rental property income. Mortgage interest is claimable in full but there are special rules regarding tax relief Management charges/commission to letting agencies Property repairs – but not...

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What are the R&D tax credit rules for SMEs?

From 1st April 2021, the maximum amount of payable R&D tax credit which an SME (a Small or Medium Enterprise – which is defined as no more than 500 employees and either turnover of no more than €100m, or balance sheet total of no more than €86m) can claim is...

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What to do if you have gone over the VAT threshold?

You should talk to an accountant urgently!  If at any point during a 12 month period, (good to review this monthly) your turnover exceeds the VAT threshold of £85,000, you must register within 30 days from the end of the month in which you went over the limit. If the...

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Get in touch today for a free consultation.

We are very happy to meet you to discuss your business or even your idea for a business. We will advise you on the most tax efficient structure if you are setting up and we can review your business if you are already trading.

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